14.00 - 15.00
Come join 2 x 25 minutes of informal roundtable discussions to get answers on your specific questions or help others by sharing your expert knowledge.
Each table has no more than 10 attendees and is assigned a specific topic and moderator.
First come first served: you don’t get to see who’s at the table until you get there.
After the initial 25 minutes are up, you get to pick another table for the next 25 minutes of discussion.
Agile mindset meets waterfall - with Svend Aage Petersen (DK), IT Project Manager at Georg Jensen
AI and CMS - with Vojtech Boril (CZ), VP of Marketing & Growth at
Democratisation of Automation - with Ahsan Harris (NO), Digital Enablement Lead at Telenor
Ethical product management - with Lisa Mo Wagner (DE), Lead Business Analyst at Thoughtworks
How to overcome product-pioneer-fit? - with Esther Seidl-Nussbaumer (CH), Head of Corporate Innovation at Sigvaris
How to quantify UX in enterprise software, when your colleagues don't have a choice - with Martin Damgård Jensen (DK), Senior UX Lead at Arla IT Solutions
Sustainable UX - next steps - with Thorsten Jonas (DE)
The work must go on, even when everyone is exhausted - with Thomas Dugaro (DE), Vice President IT - Collaboration & Project Management at RTL
What is pseudo-certainty and how to deal with it - with Morten Elvang (DK), Associate Director at Accenture