Wednesday, November 9
The physical workplace is changing and in many cases dissolving into more and more distributed and remote work. This ads new requirements to the modern workplace where technology is becoming imperative when you wish to manage your team.
The Future Workplace conference track focuses on how to do that effectively; balancing control and democracy in our day to day activities as well as our projects. Managing communication, information and KPI's in a way that fosters close and effective collaboration.
The conversation continues in our future workplace community which meets in Europe and North America during 2023.
6.30 - 7.00
Social Event: Morning Run
Join the morning run to prepare for a day of learning and networking. We will run about 25 minutes at a relaxed pace.
We meet in front of Musikhuset Aarhus
8.00 - 9.00
Breakfast & Registration
The conversation starts at breakfast. Have one or several cups of coffee and get a great start to the rest of the day.
9.00 - 9.15
Welcome to the conference by our host Janus Boye
Q&A with Jens Peter Hansen, President at Cyklistforbundet (Danish Cyclists' Federation)
9.15 - 10.00
With the world on the edge, we all need to question ourselves, what we can do to save the world and make sure the children and upcoming generations still have a future.
The Interaction Design Foundation defines our UX Design like this:
„User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users.“
What if that is not enough anymore? Because what is „meaningful“ and „relevant“ in the bigger context of sustainability?
UX design is part of the entire product creation process - from the very beginning until launch and further product enhancements. That is great, because it means UX can make an impact at every step of the process. But, how do we make use of this power? And even more important: do we need to enhance or even change our understanding of UX in the context of sustainability?
UX can provide us with the foundation and the impact to be a change. But with this great power comes also responsibility to play a significant and active role in saving the world. We need to enhance our understanding of UX and might even change some of the fundamental paradigms of UX Design.
We need to talk about how to move from UX to Sustainable UX. Because as the great polar explorer Robert Swan once said:
„The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.“
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee, tea & networking
10.30 - 12.00
Track: Future Workplace
We’ll kick off with Richard who joins us from Toronto:
Tackling Employee Experience Today As We Embrace The Future Workplace
The future workplace needs to take into account how the employee experience landscape is changing and the importance of digital experiences throughout the employee journey. The employee experience journey starts before the employee is hired and lasts after they depart. Focusing on the employee experience can feel like a daunting task when reviewing the many different stages of an employee’s journey, but we know understanding and improving these stages can lead to a much more positive employee experience, and maximize the retention, impact, engagement, and performance of the employee.
Following Richard is Frederik, who joins us from VELUX in Copenhagen:
A better approach to learning in the workplace
Rethinking learning in the (future) workplace is an ongoing endeavour. At VELUX we have in the recent years experienced a shift in the demand and consumption of our learning offerings. Combined with some internal changes that have made us reconsider not only our content and learning approach but also how technology can have a role in making learning a more ingrained part of our daily work.
As we are in the midst of the current change you will not be presented with a picture perfect solution, but rather some honest reflections on how to integrate internal and external offerings and combine them with the social dimension of learning.
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.45
Track: Future Workplace
Attract, retain or alienate talent with employee advocacy
The answer is employee advocacy, but what was the question? Join this informative, engaging and provocative session with Anne Frost to find out when employee advocacy is the answer, when it is not and how to work with it?
The big rule number 1 of employee advocacy is:
If you suck as an employer, authentic and vocal employees spreading the word, probably isn’t what you are looking for.
Do you however have engaged employees, it would be a total waste not to use that in attracting their future colleagues.
Furthermore it seems as if visible engagement generates even more engagement, so retention is also closely linked to employee advocacy.
We will focus on some of the ways to get started and how not to ruin it along the way.
Brace yourselves - this will be a session with active engagement.
13.45 - 14.00
Coffee, tea & networking
14.00 - 15.00
Come join 2 x 25 minutes of informal roundtable discussions to get answers on your specific questions or help others by sharing your expert knowledge.
15.00 - 15.15
Coffee, tea & networking
15.15 - 16.00
Track: Future Workplace
We’ll kick off with Jonas who joins us from Hamburg:
A data-driven approach to new work
Teams work worse together when they are working remote or hybrid. Also, employees do not identify well with the company, when they are not in the office 40 hours per week.
This is the conventional wisdom, but as Jonas will show based on data from RTL, this reality is different and this impacts how we think about the workplace and design a better employee experience.
16.00 - 16.15
Coffee, tea & networking
16.15 - 17.00
Small Feature Award
What’s the small feature that really makes the product way better? Is it a small design change, an elegantly engineered new piece of functionality or something else?
In this new contest, we celebrate the unsung heroes of the workplace: The small features that make all the difference.
18.30 - 21.30
Social Event: Networking Dinner
Location: Il Locale, Guldsmedgade 36, 8000 Aarhus C
All participants and speakers are invited to the conference networking dinner. This is quite a popular party!